by xreflexcz » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:10 pm
If someone's reading this , i would like to join a leveling group as a Resto NL Druid ( Alliance ..well.. you never know.. some people are just .. slower) Btw. This will be my first time leveling a Vanilla or Alliance character , my WoW history started in TBC where i started on WoW Beez playing Horde , cause all my friends and cousins played Horde , but they quit playing for some reason so i was kinda alone doing nothing , i quit WoW , but then came back for bit at WotLK , didn't last for long tho , then played Cata for a while with a friend i played TBC with ,got 85 and got bored , so i continued playing ..some ... unnamed DotA game , but then i heard about this .. gorgeous TBC server .. Corecraft .. after a year of waiting a got sick and found Nostalrius so i'm writing this to kill some time , before the server goes on , 54 minutes to go ..
My in game nick will be : Dejvyd , if you for ...some reason read all of it.
TL,DR : 1st time lvling on 1illa , lf some random m8 to play with.