So, here's an idea. I'm seeing Alliance and Horde in 50 zones, kill flight masters, kill all the lower levels. At this point I arrive at searing gorge, and there's 100 horde killing 1-3 alliance players right when they land and they cant fly away or anything. At this point, Gms. Create or spawn insanely over powered NPCs * Town guards* that can 1 shot any 60, break all their gear to 0 , and forcing them to waste their hard earned gold on high expensive repair bills.
Maybe then there won't be need to log off the game and wait to play the next day. I'm not going to make another character and wait this off, I play and main my warrior, and it's frustrating when town guards in tanaris themselves are killed easily by 100s of horde.
Anyone else think this would be good?
I mean I understand Vanilla WOW didn't do this, but hey they didn't have like 8000+ people online on the same server constantly.