After checking out some guilds here it seems that most require consumables and flask from raiders. So i see that's around 120G for a flask + 80G for rest of crap. For a single raid night.
That seems literally insane to me, at best i can farm is like 30-40G in hour and i would need to spend 5 hours preparing for each raid. I imagine most people work, and have free only evenings, so that leaves 4 evenings to raid, 1 evening to go outside of house to not go insane, and weekends for farming. Wake up, farm, go to sleep literally That's no way to live.
I even checked out gold prices. 600G would cost 60 euros cheapest. (not that i would buy any, don't want to get banned).
So i ask. Is this for reals and how do guilds even manage to recruit anyone.