bot/auto mass guild invite casued server DC?

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bot/auto mass guild invite casued server DC?

by shakey » Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:47 pm

Hey just a weird thing happend.

i was on my alt and i just a random guild invite (no whisper) from guild "The Golden Company" ally side. 687 members.

When i entered my chat window was spammed by
"(name) has joined the guild"
"(name) has joined the guild"
"(name) has joined the guild"
"(name) has joined the guild"

atleast 20-30 members the same second.

clearly a bot/addon spam mass invite, seconds later the server crashed...

Could this be something or just random timing?

Re: bot/auto mass guild invite casued server DC?

by Fleming » Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:23 pm

Well The Golden Company has been spamming mass guild invites since just a few hours after launch so that probably wasn't it

Re: bot/auto mass guild invite casued server DC?

by schaka » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:17 pm

There's a bug/limitation where when a guild reaches >700 (I think) members, it crashes the server.
That bug is fixed on some servers and then just leads to a client-side crash. Could probably easily be extended by the admin team.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

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