eotrampage wrote:Agreed, and dungeon finder should be added as well.
Not EVERYTHING blizz did was wrong sigh some of you are blinded by nostalgia and want to play an inferior game when we can finally create the perfect WoW!
The complaints about the expansions were never about dungeon finders or BG queues anyway so I dont even know why people are against it.
Posts llike this, is just the screaming minority. For real, implementing something like that, is nothing more than waste of time and man power. We played it like this 10 years ago, and you know what? Because you could queue only at battlegrounds, it caused massive World PvP outbreaks in arathi and Hillsbrad. It gave the sence of masses. Dungeon group and Battleground searches did nothing, but alienate people, because you could instantly get in to groups do the nerfed content and never see the person again. Its bad, really bad.
It has to do nothing with Nostalgia, we know about game negative sides, but after you get trough all the shit, farm your ass off and after 52th run finaly those god damn pants drop, making your Dungeon set complete, you feel like a baws, because you earned it, you did it, nothing was handed to you.