Server should evolve in time?

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Re: Server should evolve in time?

by Magnifican » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:16 pm

I already touched on this before in previous threads, but I really hope that we get a modified vanilla in some way (balancewise). I would love for all the specs to become viable and continue to release gear even post 1.12.1/2, even though the content would stay the same. For example, added new superrare phat loots to Naxxramas, or earlier raids that make it worth keep going there. Changing the way some sets and items work to make specs viable. For example the current plate gear clearly designed for paladins would be made even stronger to compensate for crappy tanking in general, makin them hold threat easier, not go oom as fast etc.
I dont know if this is even possible but hey, one can dream! Im all for an evolving server, even evolving past 1.12.1 in vanilla (theoretically). The only reason I would go to TBC server would be to play protpally which by the later patches finally became viable :) But I hate flying mounts.

Edit: I know this will never happen on Nostalrius (zomgaaad so blizzlike 100%!!) but the idea still deserves to be thrown out there and discussed. Someone someday might make that idea into a thing :geek:
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