Putni wrote:They are about a living world where NPCs sometimes send you to the other corner of the world because their friend is stationed there. It is an actual story filled with exploration, even if we mostly know all of it now.
This about sums it up for me. Post-Cata Azeroth feels like some precisely calibrated experiment. Every zone spans exactly 5 levels, and provides you with exactly the right amount of experience to complete it, if not using any XP boosts. At the end of every zone's main quest chain, you get a blue item. Once you complete a zone, you never need to return to it again, for any reason. Nothing feels organic or natural because there's so much symmetry, and this is something that I really missed about Vanilla. Retail just feels far too artificial.
In Classic, the world interacts with itself, so to speak, and nothing feels contrived. NPCs deal with NPCs in other zones, on other continents, in dungeons. Also, a bunch of zones have you return at various level intervals for whatever reason, and it gives a positive feeling of anticipation. Think of Un'Goro Crater, where half of the zone is level 48-50 quests, then suddenly quests spike up to 54+. Same with the Plaguelands - WPL starts out around level 50, then quickly spikes up to 54-55 with the later cauldron quests. Or how about completing the Feralas quests in Classic around level 48-49, then looking at your quest log and seeing some of the introductory Dire Maul quests picked up along the way that you couldn't do until 5-10 levels later, depending on wing? These things generated a sense of wonder and anticipation, even if they did mean you had to do a lot of traveling for certain level ranges.
It's a classic RPG mentality. You get a task that you're not strong enough to complete right away, so you go off and do other things until you can finally come back and complete it with satisfaction. In Cata, this quite literally never happens, and leads to the game feeling very compact and self-contained.