Class and faction

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Class and faction

by chrom » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:35 am

I am so glad that I found this server.

Congratulations to the developers and to the community; reading through the forum posts has indeed persuaded me that the community here is much better than WoD and the community is one of the factors that made me stop playing WoW.

To the point now: I 've been playing wow since its release. Went rank 14 with my warrior and since then I have been on and off wow.

Now with nostalrius I got the chance to play classes that I loved back then but I am torn between playing an elemental shaman or a druid. I like the playstyle of these 2 classes, although I have never, ever, played a druid. My focus is the journey to 60 (ofc) and after that some pvp and pve. I like to feel that I am going to be useful at both pve and pvp. Another factor that will affect my class selection is faction balance: I want to go where less ppl are (yes in order to find more ppl to gank/pvp with), but if I 'm horde I 'll be a shamy and if I 'm alliance I am gonna be a druid.

Any suggestions?

Re: Class and faction

by riq and snog » Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:40 pm

Play what you prefer. Honestly the population here is big enough to open a 3rd murloc fraction:-)
Judging from your class pref u basicly gave the answer yourself. If you roll horde you can play both of these classes on a single account.... still the choice is up to you:-)
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

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