Game is unplayable atm.

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Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by Diametra » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:28 pm

It was a mess for sure in the beginning...and I really enjoyed it. I've never seen so many people sharing, grouping, and buffing each other. It was slow....and I didn't care. I never experienced vanilla, but from all I read, I knew it was for me. This game really is meant for a more introspective and patient person.

I signed off my elf after taking a couple hours to get to level 2 and signed on my human. I went to Stormwind and saw first hand all the things that existed before my time. I enjoyed every slow minute of every hour and I still do.
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Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by Ivo » Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:57 am

"madhorde" i think you are in very wrong place. Constantly whining how bad this is and asking stuf like beeing able to que for BG everywhere. In first days i leveled my warrior and yes it was harsh due to loads of people but yesterday i leveled my paladin from 1 to 8 within 2hours or so with no rushing to anywhere and even now it is perfectly ok.
If you cant get ahead of the wave then stay behind. Or in your case play retail since you seem to enjoy its easy mode so much.
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Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by ljt0701 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:25 am

The game isn't unplayable by any means. The trick to getting out of the starter zones is to group with other players who are on the same quests you are, and they will gladly do so. Have fun, take your time, explore, there is no race to 60 and no achievement for whoever gets there first.
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Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by Teodice » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:01 am

Do like me. Take a break from the server. In almost every MMO today a new launch or server suffers from this problem. This has so far been an amazing launch of a server with pretty much no down time at all. I thik that your topic title is missleading for the new people coming in. It isnt unplayable.

I will return to my char in about a week to continue lvling due to the amount of players in the low lvl zones. I know you want to play right now but if you cant play (according to your standards) then dont.

Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by Stone » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:06 am

L2p and stop QQing.
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Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by Szabinger » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:59 am

Teodice wrote:Do like me. Take a break from the server. In almost every MMO today a new launch or server suffers from this problem. This has so far been an amazing launch of a server with pretty much no down time at all. I thik that your topic title is missleading for the new people coming in. It isnt unplayable.

I will return to my char in about a week to continue lvling due to the amount of players in the low lvl zones. I know you want to play right now but if you cant play (according to your standards) then dont.

I do the same thing. I take a break from it, because it's not enjoyable for me to play with this many people in every zone. But I don't consider this as a fault of the server, I just don't enjoy playing like this. I'm hoping that at the next weekend the situation will be better.
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Re: Game is unplayable atm.

by Tekko » Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:39 pm

It is annoying, I found it got worse going into Westfall.

It will get better and you don't have to play right now, take a week away and see what it is like next week. In a months time it won't matter if you started playing a week later.
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