There aren't many BWL pugs being made, so I thought I'd make my own.
I have lots of experience in BWL having cleared it about 16+ times on my main character, and now it's time to gear my alt!
If you want to join, send a mail or whisper either Fuhrervelm (the one i'll be raiding with) or Slayem with your class and spec.
Rules of the raid:
To be able to join you must have full pre-raid-bis gear + some MC pieces.
You must have an Onyxia Scale Cloak
Have knowledge of boss tactics and use consumeables
You must also be enchanted and use a raiding spec
We will be using Mumble, so download it.
Players who fail repeatedly, does not join voicechat or does not use consumeables, will be kicked and replaced.
Loot rules:
All boss- and trash loot and will be MS over OS.
We will be using the 1+ system, tier loot and non-tier seperated. This means when you win an item, you get 1+, meaning you can't roll against someone who hasn't got any loot.
Pallypower (for all paladins)
As mentioned in the title, it's on fridays 19:30 servertime. Invites will happen around 18:30-19:00.
I will try to make this raid a weekly thing, if enough players show interest.
Please also whisper me if you have any questions.
A list of player signup: