by Thatoneguy » Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:35 pm
I've hosted a fair share of ZG runs and I make sure everybody understands the looting rules before we even begin clearing trash. I also have the 'epic riding required to roll for epic mounts' rule. You won't believe the amount of shit I get from people, and they all have the same things in common:
- When I look them up on Realmplayers their raid performance is either garbage or non-existent.
- They aren't full pre-raid BiS with enchanted gear.
- They all have their own BS excuse that they keep firing away until you give in or tell them to fuck off... and I don't give in.
Come on, if you want to use a BS excuses such as 'I have the gold' then you must have the gold on that character and show proof on the spot. Have some foresight and prepare for what's to come. As the host it's your responsibility to let the looting rules know, but when you join it's your job to acquire that information and act accordingly. If you join a raid without understanding the looting rules you're just as much at fault.