bellerophon wrote:Some of you are just asking for a different game. Is there some tooltip in WoW that tells you that any choice of talents will be good for any situation? Some talents or abilities will always be useless in certain situations. Even in TBC you had PvP specs and PvE specs, leveling specs, etc. There's no reason to make the assumption that Paladins should be able to tank or dps in the first place, just as there's no reason to assume that a Soul Link Warlock should be good at raids, or that Fire Mages should be able to dps in MC and BWL.
Such a bad comparison though. Mages got 2 other specs that works in MC and BWL and you can still fill your role. Same with warlocks, just modify your spec a little and dont go soul link or whatever, the class can still dps the hell out of it. The pure dps classes could always fill their assigned role. The difference with hybrids is that they have one spec for each role (maybe not shamans), and while it was a design intent at the time by blizzard - To make them being able to dps but doing lot less dps then pure dps classes for example, was intentional, most likely because they thought that these hybrids would run around doing all the 3 roles at once. Throwing heals while off tanking while doing some occasional dps. This was the intent I believe, but then came mix/maxing and raid progression and it didnt work out that way. They didnt realize that raiding would become this strict role dedicated set up that it became, and once people saw that the warrior is a better tank is EVERY damn way, the warriors tanked. Once people noticed that paladin dps fell too far behind, another dps class got that spot. And last but not least, people noticed that holy paladins could do everything that was "supporty" all on its own, buff and off tank and ofc heal and whatnot. This effectivly killed the rets and prots out there. As soon as guilds started min/max and progression raiding, it was in fact over. Same can be said for feral druids and oomkins. In the end, these classes were considered a one role thing and this obviously didnt fly with anybody for long and in TBC it got changed for good reasons. Bad things are bad. There is no defending it except for "But i want blizzlike nostalgia, because glory days...".
I wouldnt go so far as to say that any talent tree is completely useless in any and every given situation, but whatever they can do fairly decent, another class can do better. Which again effectivly killed some specs, they became useless when in a composition with other classes.
Sorry for some misspells, im not english
bellerophon wrote:If you say, but mages can still dps by speccing frost! I'd say, yes, but they can't tank. Then you might say, why did you choose a mage in the first place if you wanted to tank? But then, the same applies to any other class. If you want to tank, choose a warrior.
Lol what? You troll now or? A mage doesnt have a dedicated tank tree, a paladin does! That is one big fking difference right there. What is this silly talk matey?