metagame wrote:Even though it is the most optimal strategy for the group leader, it's _very_ rare that someone will, unprovoked, go full asshat and kick all loot competition from the group before a boss fight. I can honestly say I've never experienced this in my entire WoW career.
However, it seems like you and the group leader and his posse had some words during the stressful 3 hours in the instance. What I have experienced in my expansive WoW career is people getting kicked for arguing, typing in all caps, shit talking and otherwise provoking the group leader or his friends.
I'm not saying it's right what they did, in fact, I'll probably avoid them in game too. However, given the circumstances, I can't say I'm surprised this happened, and you could have taken steps to avoid this outcome yourself.
That's not what happened. I nearly said nothing. I didn't even say something when he wiped us at the lyceum 3 times. Even after he started blaming me, i did not accuse him. The first time i wrote in chat was when he started to complain about my shitty gear and my death at Golemag.
All i said by then was, that he is wrong saying i got 4k fire damage from the Golems at the wall, cause it was 400dmg in total. And i also told him though my shitty gear i was No.1 in DPS. I think i didnt even response after they started to not heal me anymore, or telling me i should go and kill the trash by myself.