Very vicious group. Seemed like a quiet bunch at first but beware: If someone asks you for your opinion on how a class is at 60, just save yourself grief, harassment, threatening wispers, duel demands and personal attacks and say nothing.
I was asked how boomkins were at max level. I replied with what I knew. Boomkin have mana issues and their damage suffers for it. Just my opinion. Apparently this was the wrong opinion. The "quiet" guild went into a flurry of activity doing all the above actions and more.
I remained calm. Did not lower myself and several people spoke up for me, saying it is not wrong to have an opinion. This did not sit well with the guild. The fact that I felt that certain classes perform better than others more consistently seemed to infuriate them. Despite stating multiple times "play what you like, I prefer min/maxing but its not for everyone"
I was quickly kicked from the guild, when I asked for the reason (Knowing full well I did nothing wrong) the guild master simply stated "You don't fit in" most likely to preserve and appease the hostile group he has cultivated.
Just remember, if you join G.T "Vanilla classes are perfectly balanced and skill is all that matters. Don't like it?
"Duel me outside SW you fuckwit"
"Link main hander bro"
"Bears are better tanks than warriors because they have more armor"