Lowjob extorting people for 2 Silver to complete a quest

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Re: Lowjob extorting people for 2 Silver to complete a quest

by OGTUCKER117 » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:39 am

Guirssane wrote:
OGTUCKER117 wrote:
Azhin wrote:It could be 1 copper and still, its just beeing absolute asshole, for me its's more about "nigger i got bored" and "proof this dick". Maybe there is something wrong with me, but i secretly expect people to be mature on the internetz :)

ignore and move on, people like you are going to be the death of this server

Ignore and move on?
That's the shit you forgot to do about grizzly and this shitty world story

thats because world chat is essential that is where the MAJORITY of people post for lfg and trades, and for the admins not to treat it as such is ridiculous.
but theres another thread for that you should check it out, no need to talk about it in this one
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