by Gonder » Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:58 pm
So, Horde is currently taking the cake? Too bad, since I'll be rolling a tauren, just like the good old days. No, I'm not a Vanilla veteran, I'm a Burning Crusade baby(?) who didn't even have his own account until the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King, but what had to be first race I made? Tauren. I don't entirely know if this was the case, but whenever I go to Mulgore, no matter what time or year it is, I feel such a level of nostalgia, yet, sadness, rush through me. The zone invokes a lot of feeling from me.
Either way, I signed up only today, usually quite edgy about these kind of things, but I'm convinced it will be a safe and very enjoyable experience, and I'll love to finally be able to experience how Vanilla truly was. Was it hell like most say? I guess we'll have to find out. (I'll try not to count the massive influx of players trying to finish the same quest ;P)