Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

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Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by Rememberlme » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:22 pm

Overpower and Revenge won't work after abilities get dodge, they only work after white hit (normal attack) gets dodged. It isn't supposed to be like this, it should work after EVERY dodge!
This is a crazy bug that Will render warriors half worse in pvp at 60

OR was that added later in vanilla?

Re: Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by The Shortest Path » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:36 pm

I've been able to overpower after a dodged rend plenty of times.

Revenge is after YOU dodge, it's a tanking ability.
The Shortest Path
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by joeshmoe » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:26 am

37 and have had zero problems with those abilities.

Re: Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by kayrn » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:20 am

The only time I've not been able to Overpower after a dodge is when I use Whirlwind on multiple mobs; in retail you should be able to iirc - barring you actually have the correct one that dodged targeted when the Overpower is available.
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Re: Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by Harasser » Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:26 am

I don't really know about revenge but i agree that overpower is not working properly at all, it is quite weird because in my experience it works from both white hits and special attacks but sometimes it just bugs out and say "the ability isn't ready yet" even if it's off cd and gcd. But is not the weirdest thing that happened to me here, one day my out of combat hp regen simply won't work even after relogging. Sometimes white hits aren't landed on the target and you have to move, change target and switch target back to make them work. Sometimes the target acts as it was immune or out of LOS while it shouldn't be. Charge final positiong is completely fucked up, the battle shout effects sometimes can't be refreshed before the buff runs out. Lets just not talk about hs/cleave that interrupt white hitting when you're out of rage. And that's talking from a warrior perspective, other classes are even more filled up whit bugs just like mobs and enviroment. Bugless blizzlike? Feenix scripts whit better pathing but more weird issues i'd say, i hope the devs are gonna deal whit this problems asap, there is really a lot of hard work to do.

"More bones to gnaw on..." *cit Syndicate Pathstalker
Last edited by Harasser on Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by alucard001 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:16 pm

L2warrior pls , is working as intented.

Overpower just can be used against the mob that dodged an attack from you.

Revenge can be used when you dodge any attack.

End of story
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Re: Warrior BUG - Overpower/Revenge wont work after dodged

by Harasser » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:55 pm

alucard001 wrote:L2warrior pls , is working as intented.

Overpower just can be used against the mob that dodged an attack from you.

Revenge can be used when you dodge any attack.

End of story

That's have nothing to deal whit what i said, and i don't think the op didn't read the ability tooltips before making a thread here on forum, thx though...

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