Children of Goldshire

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Children of Goldshire

by Kottery » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:53 pm

Holy god almighty

In all my years on retail I never saw or heard of this, but a friend asked if Nost put them in so I looked it up so I could go check.

Spookier than it should be.

Having music off and pumping the ambience volume up made staring into that little girl's eyes really creepy.
Apples - Warrior
Kotori - Paladin - Main
Kottery - Warlock
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Re: Children of Goldshire

by wolfqueen » Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:34 am

Yea and if you look from above they are forming a pentagram with one child in the middle.

Re: Children of Goldshire

by Elaith » Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:46 am

Yeah, it's shame it's not properly scripted as when I rolled past the building one evening they were all stood there when they shouldn't be.

First time I heard about this in vanilla I made sure to visit in the morning when the spooky shit happens :)

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