by Garfunkel » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:58 pm
I love that nearly every mage that I come across buffs me with AI - even if it's just the rank 1 giving +3 INT, hey it's the thought that counts, plus druids giving MotW and pallies giving BoW. I also try to give Fort to every player I can.
Ad-hoc parties in questing areas are great - sometimes you do not get a reply when you ask for a group in General but when you go to the area, the people around are mostly happy to be invited into a group. I've only had a handful of "get my q items and run" folks, vast majority of people are happy to stay until everyone in the group has gotten what they need. Especially nice when doing the Uldaman prequests, fighting the elites in the tunnels with their insanely fast respawn rate.
FInd me on: Laureliana - Lauraliana - Lauroliana - Lauruliana - Lauriliana