Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

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Re: Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

by Azalus » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:11 am

Draulius wrote:I would hesitate to call them legitimate. This is a private server after all, and Grizzly already has quite a bad reputation. I was on a Zeppelin recently with one of their level 60's and he even admitted to me that they use exploits.

Think about it for a moment. Where were the streams? Where were the screenshots? You would think they might record such a feat, but there was nothing. You really don't think that's suspicious?

Please stop holding these chumps on a pedestal. When any guild that isn't Grizzly kills Ragnaros I will consider it the true world first.


Re: Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

by No. » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:22 am

Well done Grizzly. haters gonna hate.

Re: Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

by Welfore » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:19 am

I hear they have 2 not 1 not none TWO sulfuras, hand of ragnaross
I mean how LUCKY can you get

Re: Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

by Nikoru » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:49 am

I dont really get your problem. Even if they used some abuses, who of you isn't using any sort of abuse on purpose or even because they dont know it better? I haven't seen GRIZZLY posting any flames or something in the forums (well besides my friend Nain who wants his bow). Just leave them alone, level your own char, fear up yourself and progress for yourself (in a legit way or not is up to you).
Leave other players do their thing.

If you find evidence about any abuses, post that in the appropriate section of that forum to let it become fixed and the persons punished. But please stop spreading your useless opinions here.
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Re: Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

by Tekko » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:51 am

Getting 40 players to level 60 that quick is a far bigger achievement than clearing easymode MC :P
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Re: Congrats to Grizzly for clearing legit blizzlike content

by Khanzeal » Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:02 pm

Nikoru wrote:I dont really get your problem. Even if they used some abuses, who of you isn't using any sort of abuse on purpose or even because they dont know it better? I haven't seen GRIZZLY posting any flames or something in the forums (well besides my friend Nain who wants his bow). Just leave them alone, level your own char, fear up yourself and progress for yourself (in a legit way or not is up to you).
Leave other players do their thing.

If you find evidence about any abuses, post that in the appropriate section of that forum to let it become fixed and the persons punished. But please stop spreading your useless opinions here.

Sorry? In what world is not wanting exploiters and a clean, fair system a 'useless' opinion? You sound like the sort of person I come across that just lays down and dies anytime they come across some PvP.

Know whats useless? You. Get out.


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