Since there isn't a proper introduction thinga majig, I thought I'd leave a greeting here in the lobby.
I am what once was "the scourge of Stranglethornvale"! After mustering all my energy, I managed to get my rogue up to level 34 and FINALLY enjoy what was the glory of STV world pvp. Months passed, and I primarily got my xp from occasional instances, and the honorable slaughter of any and all who dared cross my path (unintentionally or otherwise).
I am indeed a thrill seeker. The joy of the hunt, and the solitude of the prowl. This is where I belong. As the server opens it's gates I will make my home a new in Stranglethornvale!
So yeah, cant tell you guys how happy I am about this! So to you, my fellow world PvPers, let me throw down the first glove in defiance of your percieved "leet skillz"! Many a corpse runs will be had, oh yes! Oh yes!
I will most certainly see you on the battlefield.
With most humble regards