SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

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Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by bugtraccer » Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:11 am

SanderP wrote:
CapnPrat wrote:
SanderP wrote:It's not "unfair advantage" really, everyone can get up there easily.

Yeah, melee can definitely get up there easily while by nuked by a lock, hunter, priest, mage, right? It's really childish, which is why it doesn't surprise me that Ogtucker would be sticking up for it.

It is and was a bannable offense on retail servers from April of 05 on. I knew people that got in trouble for it. Just because people did it and didn't get in trouble, doesn't mean that it wasn't against the rules. People get away with shit that's against the ToS all the time.

Me as a rogue got easily up there many times and ripped those grey level fuckers casting shit from down there. :^)

nice rogue open world pvp achievments bro.

what it boils down to is this:

using somewhat difficult and/or time consuming jumps to avoid dying in pvp isnt allowed for a flag carrier in wsg, why should it be allowed in zone that have guards put in to prevent or at least discourage pvp?

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by OGTUCKER117 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:18 am

bugtraccer wrote: why should it be allowed in zone that have guards put in to prevent or at least discourage pvp?

because nobody got in trouble for it on retail
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Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by Kdg » Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:34 am

On feenix some of us got on top of the IF auction house (as horde) and started killing all flagged players. Few minutes later I got a whisper from a GM asking if I wanted a ban. #feenix
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Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by bugtraccer » Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:34 am

i think if you compare the internet landscape of 2004 and today youll find that people today are more inclined toward leet plays, funny bug compilation youtube videos, and also flaming and/or reporting people who outperform them somehow

this leads to an increased number of 12yearolds like yourself who jump at the chance to gank people without retaliation, which in turn makes people realize that this isnt acceptable behaviour, and calling you out on it.

furthermore, plenty of people got in trouble for roof safespotting, just because you and the other people who want to roof safespot cant seem to remember it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

and what of the wsg equivalent? do you also want the flag carrier to be unattackable on some roof or mountaintop? :)

this is common sense, but it is also clearly blizzards policy as seen in the april 05 post.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by April05 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:40 am

Looks like Blizzard already made this behaviour unacceptable the 4th of january 2005.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by CapnPrat » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:55 am

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
bugtraccer wrote: why should it be allowed in zone that have guards put in to prevent or at least discourage pvp?

because nobody got in trouble for it on retail

Yes, they did. I personally knew people that got in trouble for it. Some of them were smart enough to heed the warning whisper from a GM, others had to learn the hard way and received suspensions with warnings of increased suspensions, if not outright bans next time.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by Raazi » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:32 am


Thanks for the info-digging. I'll take it up with the rest of the Core Staff this evening. Topic Locked.


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