i want to create a new character and looking for someone to group up with me until lvl 20.
I read the quests several times before, so i prefer someone who know the quests and do "powerleveling" with me. means => we get quest, finish all, take next quest, kill some mobs on the way of our routes, etc.
not to lazy, just try to get lvl 20 as soon as we can.
I expect 12-15hours for this goal, so be prepared. Of course we can split it on 1-3 days.
If it works well, of course we can grp questing until lvl 25, lvl 30 too, but with higher level it needs longer and most of the people prefer to play "when they want" and dont bind themselves on group times. its ok for some days, but not for some weeks.
So i plan is for now only 1-20, maybe 25.
Now its 10pm in my country, so iam up in like 10hours again. Have fulltime the next days, so just write me when you can play.
I will play orcish hunter. if you play something what can heal/tank, would be nice, but play what you want >.
PS: Sry if this is the wrong forum, but dont know where should i post it instead.