Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by Dog » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:30 am

So any word from anyone of the staff about this ? Cats doing barely 50 dps?

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by Life » Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:57 pm

We're currently making a fix for this, and it should probably be available for the next update.

- Life

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by Armilus » Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:44 pm

Instead of (or in addition to) bitching a complaining a whole bunch, why doesn't the OP and everyone else complaining in this thread try to help the staff correct the problem by collecting evidence of retail pet damage at various levels?

I mean, it would be awesome if programming consisted of 3 buttons "Buff" "Nerf" and "Blizzlike" but it's just not that easy :)
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Stabsington - Rogue, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by hotbassfishin » Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:16 pm

LOL at all the people saying pet damage is like retail then GM comes in and says they're fixing it.

Of course the damage is too low, you can tell by playing 5 minutes and having your pet not grabbing aggro for shit and not even being able to 1v1 on level mobs with BM spec
Moulder - Level 42 Night Elf Hunter

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by hotbassfishin » Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:16 pm

Life wrote:We're currently making a fix for this, and it should probably be available for the next update.

- Life

Thanks for the reply Life.
Moulder - Level 42 Night Elf Hunter

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by Veridian » Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:53 pm

I feel like my pet is doing close damage to retail, but sometimes my pet hits for 1 damage with his spells. Im level 51 and my pet has rank 6 spells(cant be bothered to get rank 7) and this doesnt seem normal. Is that one of the fixes Life?

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by Teence » Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:06 pm

hotbassfishin wrote:LOL at all the people saying pet damage is like retail then GM comes in and says they're fixing it.

Of course the damage is too low, you can tell by playing 5 minutes and having your pet not grabbing aggro for shit and not even being able to 1v1 on level mobs with BM spec

To be fair, there was an equivalent number of people saying pre-fix pet damage was completely Blizzlike. The difference is that post-fix damage is far closer to what it's supposed to be. It's maybe 15% too low pre-level 50, as opposed to being 200% above what it should be, yet to a significant number of people on this forum, that was "Blizzlike". Although there's probably a reason why people who thought it was normal that a pet alone should do more DPS than a player chose Hunter in the first place.

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

by hotbassfishin » Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:38 pm

Teence wrote:
hotbassfishin wrote:LOL at all the people saying pet damage is like retail then GM comes in and says they're fixing it.

Of course the damage is too low, you can tell by playing 5 minutes and having your pet not grabbing aggro for shit and not even being able to 1v1 on level mobs with BM spec

To be fair, there was an equivalent number of people saying pre-fix pet damage was completely Blizzlike. The difference is that post-fix damage is far closer to what it's supposed to be. It's maybe 15% too low pre-level 50, as opposed to being 200% above what it should be, yet to a significant number of people on this forum, that was "Blizzlike". Although there's probably a reason why people who thought it was normal that a pet alone should do more DPS than a player chose Hunter in the first place.

I agree that the values were too high before the patch, even as a hunter xD I specced MM so it was insane when a hordie set his raptor on me as a BM spec. It was pure terror. I'm glad they're working to seting things right. As long as my pet's growl can keep aggro when I only autoshot and serpent sting then I'll be happy.
Moulder - Level 42 Night Elf Hunter


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