[ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

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[ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by behemoth14 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:00 am

Hi guys

i love vanilla but i love speedrunning through games, so i always ask the same question: whats the fastest class to level? any spec any method obviously no cheats, exploits, powerleveling or mobtagging, i mean just straight solo leveling.

hunter has a lot of popularity due to joana's ( furious paul famous 1-60 lvl speedrun )
but i think you can go at the same speed with other classes or even faster.
what do you think?

feel free to share your experiences.

Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by JimboPete » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:43 am

It's going to be warlock hunter or mage.

There are certain areas you can AOE as a mage, that are ridiculous. Particularly since the respawn timer buff.

In theory it's probably the fastest class to level solo.
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Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by oksobotsdie » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:19 pm

Hunter. end of discussion

Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by konked » Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:08 pm

Hunters are def the fastest to 60 Warlock and mages could probably tie or be really close since mages can aoe farm pretty good at certain lvls.
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Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by Garfunkel » Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:47 pm

The first 60 was a warlock and the second was a hunter.
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Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by Larsen » Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:49 pm

Hunter > warlock > feral druid. Maybe AoE mage before feral druid but it depends on your playtimes, the mage gets fucked over if it's too crowded or there's too much PvP.
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Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by Sakuraba » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:00 pm

Feral Druid have been very quick and convenient. Very rarely need help when doing elite quests, and i guess hunter and locks have it the same way.

With that said, i believe (in a perfect world) mages are fastest. They can definitely put 1-60 in roughly 6 days played. I doubt you could do it right now on this server however due to the good spots being taken already.

Hunter or Lock is quickest now with an edge to Hunter.
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Re: [ Discuss ] What's the fastest class to level

by macgarthur » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:10 pm

Hunter. Little to no downtime, increased run speed at with aspect makes running between mobs and quests a breeze. Add in skinning/leather working and you can make practically all the armor you will need for free while you grind/quest.

Warlock is a very close second because of the pet and next to zero downtime.

Mage/druid third because mage never needs to resupply and could almost survive naked meaning you rarely stop for gear. Druid is zero downtime and extreme survivability.

As for paladin vs shaman leveling edge goes to the shaman, unless the paladin knows how to aoe grind in which case paladin takes the edge.
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