popezaphod wrote:OGTUCKER117 wrote:your a funny guy
i couldnt care less u stupid grammer nazi
popezaphod wrote:OGTUCKER117 wrote:your a funny guy
OGTUCKER117 wrote:i couldnt care less u stupid grammer nazi
Corazon wrote:First its 'shut the fuck up, theres only like 5 of you, you're too small to matter' then its 'if you could unflag EVERYONE would do it and this would be a pve server'.
Which is it? Could it be you pvp morons really have no argument and you're just scared the gravy train of free honor/rage may dry up, so you flail about helplessly with 'faggot' and 'horsefucker' just saying whatever you can other than admitting you're both full of shit and wrong?
Coffeebreath wrote:dampas wrote:Coffeebreath wrote:If that child up there is right and there are only a couple hundred people who want pve, why not let our tiny minority just unflag ourselves for pvp?
Because people will unflag themselves whenever they are leveling or farming in contested zones giving them an advantage over people who don't, so in the end the server will lose a lot of players because of a feature that is easily exploitable.
Logic 101
...You seem to be operating under the assumption that one would be able to flag and unflag at will. No, in my imagined non-forced world pvp scenario, once you unflag for wpvp you can never re-flag for it. You make your choice and stick with it. It's not complicated. Thanks for the logic 101 class or w/e though...
Kleigon wrote:Personally, I was thinking of something a little more in-depth than that. Penalties of flagging too often, not allowing you to flag back until a certain amount of time has passed (hours), or possibly only allowing non-flagged for certain amount of hours per day. I think never being able to flag PvP again is not a good idea.