Chassou's adventures

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Chassou's adventures

by chassou » Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:41 am

First I will present myself:
I'm KingArtZ, I was born the 18 july 1996 (so I'm 18) in France.
I'm actually living near Paris and still student.
I started playing WoW since The Burning Crusade and forver loved it.
Since the start my faction was the Horde (Lok'tar ogar!) I played a Gay Elf (Selama ashal'anore!) Paladin (The Light guides us) and always loved it, but every new expansion started boring me more and more since MOP...
So with WOD I went max level and wondered if I could come back in time and play TBC or vanilla and found this server =D
I decided to join it and play the first class I ever played (hunter) and because Nelfs aren't part of the Horde I decided to make a Troll and in Honor of my forgotten hunter cahsseur (hunter in french), I named him chassou (huntey in french).
Basicly I wanted to post some of Chassou's adventure here (via YouTube) and if it's the wrong topic... I'm sorry ^^'
The first adventure I'll post is my travel to teldrassil with chassou to get my pet =P (I died like 10 times I think, it was hard but fun)
Let me know what you guys think about it ^^
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It's not a Paladin on my avatar! It's a DeathKnight!
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