When I played in classic I used to safespot that smithing house in darkshire? i think it was called? Area just before deadwind pass. I never got banned or in trouble but occasionally I would get ported to the nearest graveyard randomly if I was up there for a while. Like every-time I went there it was about 15-20m when I started getting teleported.
Same thing happened when we used to glitch out of the map in warsong on horde side. Remember being able to jump up the side of the ramp heading to the roof and you could get outside which was LoS even if you were right in front of alliance. Used to hold the flag up there during deadlocked games, then anyone up there would get ported randomly to the gy and the flag would drop.
Same thing happened when I got feared under the map in that arena map based in the outland mountains Seriously can't remember the names of these zones lol. Bladeridge?
I know some of these are actual glitches and not easily accessed safespots, but the reaction by the staff at the time was the same for all of them. This would have been a few months before the AQ war effort.