Potting when ganking

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Re: Potting when ganking

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:13 pm

red=ded for me
i KOS every ally i see
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Re: Potting when ganking

by 0mas0 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:23 pm

It's a fucking RPG of course people are going to use beneficial items from their professions to give them an advantage. It's like calling someone out for using engineering in PvP. Get a fucking grip and stay mad cucks.

Re: Potting when ganking

by Luckyman » Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:57 pm

maos wrote:I want to take a second to express my hate for every alliance who has to use a potion to survive when you were the one who ganked me, and proceeds to taunt after getting the kill.

Therefore I now declare war on every alliance who dares to show it's face when I'm around. I expect to die a lot, but when I kill you, I shall drink your blood and wear your head as a hat.

I know the feeling, I myself was killed by an alliance druid WHILE I was HELPING OUT an alliance warrior to survive multiple adds. That made me very angry, cuz there's a clear sign of peace there, with that particular warrior on my side and an alliance mage next to him, they didn't help the druid killing me, but I was half health, so I died within 5 secs.

I mean, normally I do not attack alliance while grinding, I'm a friendly guy. However, after the druid kill, I changed my mind complete. I tried to kill him afterwards, he survived with a healer the first time. So I made an alliance character, tracked him down. Took me 3 hours to find him ALONE, (2AM-5AM) then I killed him. And I promise I will keep ambush him while I can. Cuz I seriously hate him.

Re: Potting when ganking

by BK2710 » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:46 am

^ sounds like free honor to me.

Re: Potting when ganking

by lupeh » Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:11 am

Like horde does not gank and usse pots.
Its the same like saying that horde only attack in groups.

Both horde and ally do it.
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Re: Potting when ganking

by Jarty » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:00 am

maos wrote:I want to take a second to express my hate for every alliance who has to use a potion to survive when you were the one who ganked me, and proceeds to taunt after getting the kill.

Therefore I now declare war on every alliance who dares to show it's face when I'm around. I expect to die a lot, but when I kill you, I shall drink your blood and wear your head as a hat.

quit bitching, some people just suck like the 100s horde that religiously gank in stv, levels 10+ than the actually zone
Coi - Warrior
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Re: Potting when ganking

by Raktae » Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:41 pm

On the topic of ganking, after dealing with the horrors of my Whirlwind Axe quest and getting ganked in the middle of it drove me to feel somewhat sorry for the Alliance warriors in Arathi near elementals.

And then I remembered that I never received any mercy, and slaughtered my way across Arathi in spiteful anger, level 53 healslut in tow for those skulled to me (He tended to let me duke it out with lower levels 1 v 1).

Good times, but I wouldn't blame anyone for potting while fighting even if they start first. I know I wouldn't want to die and be even more embarrassed than having to use a pot or stun-bandage.
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