<Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

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Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by Bone » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:20 pm

<Entitled> <-- favourite guild 4ever

Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by Samsta » Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:12 am

I'm genuinely surprised at the overwhelming support about this.

Thanks all, hope to see you all in game sometime!

Be sure to talk lots of smack to me in World chat as well! :D
-God of Entitled-
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Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by JimboPete » Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:38 am

Samsta wrote:I'm genuinely surprised at the overwhelming support about this.

Thanks all, hope to see you all in game sometime!

Be sure to talk lots of smack to me in World chat as well! :D

You guys are ok in my book.

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Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by Xylon666Darkstar » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:00 am

FINE group of people @ Entitled. I'll be sure to only consider them out of the end tier clearing guilds for my daily arcanite xmutes.
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Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by Molten » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:44 am

Ragnaros is fixed I think (or at least he was)? Yes, the way he spins around etc is strange, but its not like he is supposed to instakill everything once all melee dies. On our first attempt on Raggy all melee died and we survived maybe 2-3% more of Ragnaros until all of us were dead. It´s not like we could go all NOPE on him at least. But I guess you guys just wiped yourself before he had the time to do the job for you. Which after all makes no different really as it would be a wipe anyways. Congratulations on the kill!

Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by Hatson » Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:01 pm

Molten wrote:Ragnaros is fixed I think (or at least he was)? Yes, the way he spins around etc is strange, but its not like he is supposed to instakill everything once all melee dies.

Magma Blast - Massive Ranged Damage
If no one is engaged in melee with Ragnaros he will throw a ranged attack for 4000–6000 damage which will kill most non-tank players in 1 hit and quickly wipe the raid. It's advisable to have a MT stand by at the end of Phase 2 to pick him up immediately upon resurfacing.

This is what he didn't have scripted at all for the first week or so. I thought it was fixed by now, as it pretty much trivializes the fight as a whole if it isn't scripted.

Also, can anyone confirm for me that Ragnaros does indeed melt your weapons durability?
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Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by Molten » Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:14 pm

Yea, but the magma blast doesnt go off instantly if there is no one in melee as far as I can remember. If Ragnaros wasnt fixed there is just no way we would have wiped on him, as the ranged could simply have killed him like NOPE did. So there has definitely been done something with him.

Can also confirm that Ragnaros melts wep as one of our rogues got red wep midfight.

Re: <Entitled> kills Ragnaros + glitch

by phatonic » Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:59 pm

This has been fixed, we downed ragnaros on sunday with a few wipes at first..(unlucky with one of the tanks)
he started one shoting our melees then the ranged.
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