Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

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Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by SloppyBeaver » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:48 pm

I was wondering what good databases were out there for vanilla wow I have been using
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Re: Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by Metzu » Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:35 pm


This is all that I'm aware of;

This might not be all, but they're all similiar to each other.
Hope this helps.

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Re: Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by tunguska » Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:45 pm

Any plans for a nost DB?
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Re: Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by Metzu » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:08 pm

We haven't really discussed this, as we're very busy with other things, but the idea itself sounds good, and the fact that you don't have to use other servers database, but ours, so I'll make sure the idea gets heard :)

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Re: Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by Uzephi » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:38 pm

Metzu wrote:We haven't really discussed this, as we're very busy with other things, but the idea itself sounds good, and the fact that you don't have to use other servers database, but ours, so I'll make sure the idea gets heard :)

Best regards,

Forum Mod

Is there any way to circumvent the 1.10 limitation on atlasloot? in 1.10 Blizzard made it where you can only see items that have been looted in the database. Since we are running 1.12 with some changes to make it before 1.10, is the change in code easy? I have tried querying some items and they do not pop up or disconnect me.
"Trying to spoof item links will disconnect you."

The above change made it where only items seen on the server can be linked or viewed. So, if no one saw the priest T2 helm drop and no one logged in that has it in their bags, you cannot view the item in atlasloot or link them in chat as the server doesn't have it in it's cache and thus will DC you.

This change can help in getting the current item stats and making an Nost DB easier to make as some items are still not viewable on the server.
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Re: Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by twocows » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:20 pm

Uzephi wrote:
Metzu wrote:We haven't really discussed this, as we're very busy with other things, but the idea itself sounds good, and the fact that you don't have to use other servers database, but ours, so I'll make sure the idea gets heard :)

Best regards,

Forum Mod

Is there any way to circumvent the 1.10 limitation on atlasloot? in 1.10 Blizzard made it where you can only see items that have been looted in the database. Since we are running 1.12 with some changes to make it before 1.10, is the change in code easy? I have tried querying some items and they do not pop up or disconnect me.
"Trying to spoof item links will disconnect you."

The above change made it where only items seen on the server can be linked or viewed. So, if no one saw the priest T2 helm drop and no one logged in that has it in their bags, you cannot view the item in atlasloot or link them in chat as the server doesn't have it in it's cache and thus will DC you.

This change can help in getting the current item stats and making an Nost DB easier to make as some items are still not viewable on the server.

I'm not staff, so don't take my word on it, but I suspect that if it's currently working, it's fine. I think that behavior is implemented server-side.

Re: Good Database (thottbot, wowhead)

by Uzephi » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:29 pm

twocows wrote:I'm not staff, so don't take my word on it, but I suspect that if it's currently working, it's fine. I think that behavior is implemented server-side.

The point is, currently you cannot see items that haven't been looted or 'seen' because of patch 1.10 blocking items not seen. I was wondering if there was a way to revert that so we can in fact see those items that are in the server database, but not yet seen on the server.

Like if T2 helm for priest hasn't been dropped or seen yet on the server, you cannot ask the server to link or see it until it drops.
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