What's up with PvP Hit Cap on Nostalrius?

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Re: What's up with PvP Hit Cap on Nostalrius?

by Youfie » Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:06 pm

Shido wrote:Oh by the way, I'm sure this is on everyone's mind; Youfie, stop being a pretentious jackass and actually contribute your experiences or knowledge based on OP's topic instead of going 'off' topic, irritating everyone, and hindering a possible solution.

I'm sorry I upset you with my facts, my Blue Post, my EJ thread and my refusal to rely on 10-year old memories - memories that a simple examination of the video supposed to prove them showed nothing was obvious at all.

Anyway, I might be proven wrong in the end, which would mean the staff would have found trustworthy proofs, and I'd be happy to have a more Blizz-like server then :).

In the meantime, insulting me when I always remained polite and just provided evidences I found doesn't help your claim :(.

Have a nice day buddy.
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Re: What's up with PvP Hit Cap on Nostalrius?

by Youfie » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:52 pm

I had the surprise to see that I got a partial resist on a Shadow Bolt today, while I have absolutely 0 Shadow Resist.

I know there are "innate" (or whatever it's called) resistances due to level difference that take place in PvE and make a 63 boss have about 24 resistance to all schools that cannot be bypassed by CoE / CoS, in addition to their normal resists.

These ressits were scripted properly during Nostalrius beta. Since the Warlock I was fighting was a few levels below me, maybe I had innate resists against him just because of my level, in addition to the reduced spell miss chance due to the same level difference.

This might be the reason (or a part of it) why you guys feel you have too much resists against players only a few levels above you.
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Re: What's up with PvP Hit Cap on Nostalrius?

by Bami » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:43 am

CapnPrat wrote:I've killed people 10-15 levels up on me multiple multiple times. I've also been hit by players 10-20 levels down from me, both with melee and spells. I most certainly resist them more than I would someone my level, but that has always been the case since I've been playing this game.

^ This, I've regularly killed people 15-20 levels higher than me on retail during vanilla with only 3% hit. Mana management was harder to deal with than the enemy player just because my spells did so little compared to the size of their health pool. At 20 levels difference you get a resist maybe once every 3-4 spells, but the majority of spells would land perfectly fine.


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