Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

by Rumpelholz » Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:32 pm

Only retail faggots reserve items!!!!

Re: Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

by saintfire » Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:27 pm

azreal3133 wrote:
Anyone with a brain? If you're reserving something wouldn't you screenshot it so that if someone DID ninja the item you reserved you could report them for it?

to what effect? to cry on the forums? i reserved items when i run shit, but i do not take screenshots because i assume everyone in the party is going to act gentlemanly and honor their agreement not to roll on said item, but since there are players with your mentality ill just start master looting henceforth. As for salty dogs, i did mara with them and run was smooth.

Re: Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

by lupeh » Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:38 pm

Rofl they ask for gold? Thanks for the warning
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Re: Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

by Mdmadam » Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:53 pm

Rumpelholz wrote:Only retail faggots reserve items!!!!

Agreed everyone should have a fair crack at pixels. Yes, pixels, don't try to over hype it or say you sat at your computer desk for 100+ hours and pooped in various amounts of socks before your chance came because thats just... sad.

Sucks that 60% of this community are made of up dumpy acne-covered neckbeards that act like being hardcore at an emulated MMO (not even that most difficult one either) is the greatest achievement in their life. Then again I've been the paths many of you go down and the wives you end up with... *shutters*
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Re: Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

by al3xander99 » Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:20 pm

Pulsar wrote:
grizlyus wrote:After reading this thread Salty dogs seems like bunch of faggots will not get this fags in my group anymore human trash

grizlyus wrote:Every time i kill horde player i only do it until he log out and i add him to friends on my lvl 1 horde to check if he really went offline if he go offline i just go do it to someone else

Never once did you play grouped with us.

Nice lying on the internet, though. Might shill some people.

ummm so your gm comes on the forum to ask for gold like a faggot and than u say "wait i remembered that nothing actually happened... still send that gold plz " rlly man??

Re: Warning all players about "Salty Dogs"

by Pulsar » Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:40 pm

al3xander99 wrote:ummm so your gm comes on the forum to ask for gold like a faggot and than u say "wait i remembered that nothing actually happened... still send that gold plz " rlly man??


This is probably bait.

I will presume this is bait and not respond to a bad bait.

It's a bait, right?
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