50+ Zones

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50+ Zones

by Pinktits » Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:20 pm

So far blasted lands, searing gorge, burning steppes and un'goro have all been the same. Level 60 Horde players farming HKs and camping flight masters where possible (specially SG and BS). So questing in these zones becomes practically impossible.

Any horde players feel this is happening tothem aswell but with alliance ganking/camping?

And i know the A/H ratio is supposedly ~45/55 in favor of the horde but atleast EU daytime you see about 5 horde per 1 alliance doing quests in the same area.

Re: 50+ Zones

by pakao » Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:34 pm

Just finnished questin in searing gorge, actually feels like theres more alliance there

got ganked all the time in sg so i left. Didnt make a topic about it tough
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Re: 50+ Zones

by rinron » Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:43 pm

yeah i go for HKs while im questing in these areas. ive been 50+ for a few days now- i join bg queues at the beginning of each session, and they just dont pop. alliance gotta queue for more bgs.

how else am i supposed to get access to the master sergeant's lounge?

edit: well you mention 60s. i dont know how bg queues are at 60 but im guessing they arent much better at this point in time, server's still young.

Re: 50+ Zones

by Fleming » Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:22 pm

I'm a level 55 alliance and it does feel like I'm getting ganked a lot more than I was 10 levels ago. You've just gotta get over it and push yourself through. The more leveling you can do in a party, the easier it seems to avoid ganking. In a party with two other level 55s for example we can pretty much take on any one level 60 without any issues, usually they'll leave us alone but if one is dumb enough to attack us we usually win. Just gotta avoid those teams of 60s that run around farming HKs

Re: 50+ Zones

by buildthewall » Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:07 pm

I'm level 27 Horde and see mostly other Horde characters, but all the Alliance I run into are 10+ levels higher. Like, at least 90% of the time.

Re: 50+ Zones

by Sakuraba » Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:58 pm

Horde BG queues are 10 minutes at the best of times and up towards an hour at the worst.
Only reasonable way to get honor is to world pvp and you'll see more 50-59's than 60's for sure. As long as it gives honor it is fair game in my opinion.

Solution? Get Alliance to queue. You don't need a premade, we wont bite.
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Re: 50+ Zones

by rinron » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:49 pm

was just leveling my rogue alt in hillsbrad- its so funny how many ?? alliance are running around on mounts killing grey people for no honor. im guessing they got ganked by people their own level and flew to hillsbrad to feel powerful for a little bit

Re: 50+ Zones

by TaurenRogue » Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:58 pm

horde wait in que for a long time on this server...
between the ques its actually efficient to farm whiners and backpedalers...
HF leveling
~undead rogue
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Re: 50+ Zones

by Veridian » Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:37 pm

Sakuraba wrote:Horde BG queues are 10 minutes at the best of times and up towards an hour at the worst.
Only reasonable way to get honor is to world pvp and you'll see more 50-59's than 60's for sure. As long as it gives honor it is fair game in my opinion.

Solution? Get Alliance to queue. You don't need a premade, we wont bite.

You dont need a premade? I've been queueing alone for the past week and 90% of matches are horde premades.

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