by Fexzz » Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:49 am
What about someone having chars of a different faction on different accounts, hopping between them?
I'm asking because I (playing Alliance), got outzoned by 2 Players (alliance too) in Dustwallow Marsh the other day. They were farming the murlocs and when I got there to pull some of them for AOE farming, all I got was "This is our Turf, scrub." To which I only replied "You think?" and continued with my pulls. 5 minutes later, two Level 60 hordes Show up and kill me. (The two alliance Players were gone.) When I came back in Spirit form to revive, the alliance Players were back, but the Hordes were gone. Then I noticed one of the alliance Players names was (just an example, don't want to namecall) "NotThisGuy". He then sat down, and half a Minute later the Horde Mage is back, and his Name was "ThisGuy". And the character "NotThisGuy" wasn't there anymore. I assume this is completely legit, since they weren't logged in at the same time with two characters?