Simonich wrote:sgtnanners wrote:Wpvp wouldn't be nearly as prevalent in the 48-60 bracket if allies queued more bgs. I farm lowbies for hours cause I sit in queue for hours.
+1 The cowardness of the alliance, they pay it out there.
I like this works, and its great IMO.
Each 10 alliance sent into battlegrounds regardless of their skill means 10 less horde gankers
Hmm. Today as a lvl 52 in un guro theres a mage and 2 other 60's killing lowbirds over and over for honor.
They could easy go and pvp against level 60's in higher level zones, but then they might be dead.
So who is the coward now.
I think it is really odd to say that everyone from "x" faction are cowards.
But then again most pvpers pick hordes because of racials, they are the ones that want ez mode or op racials