2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

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2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

by Kailas » Sun Apr 26, 2015 2:41 am

Hello Nostalrius Horde!

Purge will be hosting a Molten Core PuG on Sunday 26.4.2015. The purpose of this PuG is to get the required reputation for the Quaintessences quests in order to be able to do a full clear on first <Purge> only run and to get some BoEs and boss kills if possible. The reason to announce it so late this time is because we already have most of the raid (25 Purge and around 10 Return guild). ATM it looks like we will need some hunters and healers.

We require everyone who wants to join to have the required addons working and consumables ready.

Every Mage, Druid, Priest and Warlock must have Detox or a working decurse / dispell addon. If you cant find one feel free to download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7qm5dj0jgs2pdcu/Detox.rar

Everyone MUST have a working version of KTM. If you don't have one, feel free to download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/roip7ncav8dd9vu/KLHThreatMeter.rar

Everyone MUST HAVE Bigwigs or Deadly boss mod. Link to download Bigwigs can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ixcz5r2aox1o5zj/Bigwigs.zip

Every Warlock MUST have a banish timer (DoT timer, Chronometer, etc.). Its a necessary add-on used to keep track of Banishes especially. You can find a link to download DoTimer here: http://addons.us.to/addon/dotimer

Everyone must have proper consumables but we will require the use of consumables only on boss tries for which we are relatively sure people know exactly what to do. Besides your class consumables you will need
Greater Fire Protection Potions
Greater Arcane Protection Potions
Restorative Potions

Everyone must have Teamspeak3. We will be using TS3 as our voice communication for the raid. Please make sure to have it downloaded in time for the raid. You can download Teamspeak 3 here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads

Everyone must have some kind of a minimum preraid gear. At least the crafted ones (like ghostweave for shamans/druids or felcloth for warlocks etc.) and main hand weapon if melee! People with no crafted or preraid bis parts will not be considered for a spot.

Loot rules:

All Lava / Fiery Cores, Core Leather, Dark Iron Ores, Essences, Ignots, Recipes, Tranq shot(Lucifron) and Legendaries are RESERVED. All other Epic drops from bosses or Trash BoEs and the like will be rolled out between those who need. Main spec > Offspec meaning you can not roll for an item you are not playing as your main spec. If you want to roll for a different spec. than you are playing you must say so before the raid begins so the leader can take note of it. Anyone who actually needs cores etc. in order to craft some gear for himself will be given an amount that will be decided when we know total amount acquired (1/40 of total or more)

Please remember to bring your Aquals if you acquired them already or get yourself on the prequest for them.

Those that are interested in coming are required to take a screenshot of their UI and post it here or contact me in game or through PM here. Also you are required to bring the consumables with you when asking for an invite to the raid as you will need to show them in the trade window. I will be noting down people who want to reserve their spots beforehand, not showing up after reserving your spot will forfeit your ability to reserve a spot in the future.

Posting a screen shot can be done by pressing Printscreen on your keyboard and than CTRL + V(paste) into windows paint program. Save it and upload by any imghosting site for example http://postimage.org/

NO addons = NO RAID
NO Consumables = NO RAID

This post might change as we think of things to add or subtract, for now these are the rules. Please feel free to /w Kailas in game with any questions in the meantime. HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU GUYS ON APRIL 26th 2015 @ 19:30 SERVER TIME Planned first pull (might change depending on how long it takes to form).

Keep in mind the main purpose of this run is farming reputation, BoE tier drops and hopefully killing a few bosses. Depending on success of our boss fights we will attempt more bosses or keep on farming trash.

Inspections&meeting point is Orgrimmar Bank Roof. Invites start at 18:30 h server time.
Last edited by Kailas on Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

by Justamage » Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:54 am

Yargh HARGH!!! Free Deviate Delights for everyone who joins! :D

I'll also be selling Fire/Arcane protection potions to those who've yet to possess any themselves before and during the raid.

Re: 2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

by Kailas » Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:18 pm

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Re: 2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

by Kisälli » Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:25 pm

Sign in huntardo

Re: 2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

by Mulen » Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:29 pm

Hos about a shadow priest?
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Re: 2nd MC PuG hosted by <Purge>

by Kailas » Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:04 pm

Another success! Thanks to all that attended.

http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/RaidO ... ?Raid=9954
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