Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

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Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

by Ripley » Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:19 am

I'm actually shocked that some gold sellers can go so many hours in a day with their tradechat gold spam from the same character before being banned.

After sleeping and coming back online, even today I saw the same bloody name in chat? like seriously??

lv5 to chat is obviously not enough penalty to annoy these pathetic people who think they will succeed in life with what they do to make money. Please raise it even more, or monitor trade chat often..
Thank you.

(And this isnt a place to tell me to just /ignore them) Its about fixing a problem, not hiding it.
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Re: Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

by kayrn » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:28 am

4. The staff

More than 30 persons are doing voluntary work for the server (administrators, developpers, game masters, isvv & communication), each of them contributing to make this server getting better every day.

Don't hold your breath for miracles. Ticket what you can, take SS's/video, bout all you can do.
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Re: Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

by Same » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:49 am

Keeping the economy in check is a primary focus of the staff here. We try to catch and ban everyone spamming in chat for gold selling, but with a limited amount of people we can only do so much. Feel free to open a ticket in game if you see people spamming and we will try to deal with it as quickly as we can.

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Re: Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

by Ripley » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:13 am

Yes, I understand you all have a lot of things to deal with.

I just figured by the time I wake up (almost 8 hours later) A dev would have noticed a consistant goldspammer, or another player would have reported it.

But yea i'll just start reporting them right away.

Why chance having people bash the server for allowing things like this to persist for so many hours. Its such an amazing place to play and it angers me to watch it be littered with pathetic people trying to make money out of your hard work.

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Re: Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

by Xyz » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:19 am

Everyone prolly assumed someone reported it and thus it never got noticed.

Re: Devs, please do something (the gold sellers)

by Igen » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:51 am

Xyz wrote:Everyone prolly assumed someone reported it and thus it never got noticed.


We get to the reported spammers rather quickly, but we can't sit in towns waiting for them to show up.

I've never seen a bot insult me for stealing his mob.
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