Can me and my friends play here?

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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by VelvetMaverik » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:06 am

Can someone post more comments on the Horde vs Alliance BG wait times? I really enjoy BGs so if one side has a much longer wait time than the other, It would be helpful to know and move to the latter.

Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Robotron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:09 am

Like 25-35 minutes or more for Horde at 60. We need more Alliance at 60, as the current population is very close (~52/48, Horde-favoured), but at 60, it's more of a 60/40 split in favour of the Horde.
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Poony » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:02 am

Robotron wrote:Like 25-35 minutes or more for Horde at 60. We need more Alliance at 60, as the current population is very close (~52/48, Horde-favoured), but at 60, it's more of a 60/40 split in favour of the Horde.

You need to be able to level to 60, that is the problem.

Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Mryul » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:16 am

Hahahaha dumbasses like OGtucker and Præisten calling people dumb while saying the server is balanced when the high level ratio has been proven to be 60/40 in favor of the horde. Way to put onto display how dumb you are lmao

OGTUCKER117 wrote:52-48 H/A ratio
you are an idiot

Præisten wrote:Server balance is fine with a 48/52 A/H ratio. Try again noob.

fking LOL
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Robotron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:48 am

I heard it's really really hard to gank people in instances.
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Membraniac » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:49 pm

I heard you're missing the point Robotron.
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