Toxicity Level is over 9000

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Taibak » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:07 pm

Umbassa wrote:However, when it becomes this one-sided, it should become a conflict of interest to the Staff of Nostalrius as it concerns the overall health and prosperity of the server. As much as I would like to agree that PvP happens on a PvP server this has become a problem.

It is a fine line -- and regardless of what happens, half the people will say the admins went too far, half will say they did not go far enough, and another half will complain for the sake of it.

But you're right. A few things will happen, and not necessarily in this order:
1. Potential new players will see the toxicity of these forums, and move on,
2. New players will just roll horde
3. Allys will roll hord or just quit.
3a. Horde looses their camping ability because they have nobody to camp and complain about the lack of an Alliance population.
3b. Server is declared dead and people go elsewhere.

I don't know how to fix it, which is why I don't run a server. All I can suggest is "be nice, and try to play fiar-ish".
"A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're two tents!'"

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Uzephi » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:15 pm

If they want to fix it and make the server a little less blizzlike, they could have quite a few 63 elite guards spawn that no normal 10 or 15 man group can kill in the ganking quest hubs 50+ and fix the path of the Steemwheedle guards to attack anywhere (yes, path them to get on the inn and other "safespot" areas) in those hubs, but then it would kill the "blizzlike" experience for most and cause an uproar. Either way they do this (keep it as is or do something about it, it would cause some people to leave. But who do they want to leave is the real question.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Million » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:44 pm

The Alliance/Horde gap isn't huge like everyone here seems to erroneously repeat over and over. I take a census at various times of day and have yet to see the huge disparity that people claim. It's usually near 50/50 and at worst 40-60 (including level 60 only)

I'll post again later if someone wants to challenge that.

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Umbassa » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:02 pm

Taibak wrote:It is a fine line -- and regardless of what happens, half the people will say the admins went too far, half will say they did not go far enough, and another half will complain for the sake of it.

Such is what decisive action entails.

You'll always have people that bitch and moan about anything you do, but what matters more is that they still have something to bitch and moan about. I reckon that it's a small price to pay for the continued survival of the server.

I feel like the least harmful way of approaching this is to incentivize the intervention of level 60's.

We can't have entire zones and quest hubs on lockdown for hours, days, sometimes weeks just because a few assholes decided that they wanted to have their shits n' giggles, there is a limit.
Umbassa - lvl 30 Night Elf Rogue

"'Tis by the blade that we are are free men, and it is by adversity that we are brothers."

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by toolshed » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:24 pm

I found the horde player base to be significantly more toxic than the alliance players. I am glad I rerolled alliance so I don't have to constantly hear 'edgy' racist jokes
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Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Imzgaming87 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:00 pm

toolshed wrote:I found the horde player base to be significantly more toxic than the alliance players. I am glad I rerolled alliance so I don't have to constantly hear 'edgy' racist jokes

I wouldnt mind playing horde. I couldnt care less about racism, childish jokes, rude people and such stuff.

The main reason I dont reroll horde is this: Any player with some sense of pride would rather die as an ally then help the horde scumbags. Cuz they are fucking retards

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by nervous » Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:05 pm

Imzgaming87 wrote:
toolshed wrote:I found the horde player base to be significantly more toxic than the alliance players. I am glad I rerolled alliance so I don't have to constantly hear 'edgy' racist jokes

I wouldnt mind playing horde. I couldnt care less about racism, childish jokes, rude people and such stuff.

The main reason I dont reroll horde is this: Any player with some sense of pride would rather die as an ally then help the horde scumbags. Cuz they are fucking retards

Thats why all the alliance guilds united to kill azuregos a few weeks ago right? Your faction has so much infighting it's hilarious. Horde 5 life.


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