Mryul wrote:Thefilth wrote:The reason why we gank lowbies is because BGs are 30-90min queues just to meet a scumbag insta-winning premade. Don't get me wrong, I'm still signing up for the BGs, but while I wait to get my ass handed to me, I go grind some easy honor in the nearest highest level questing zone. It's the only way to get honor without going through the hassle of starting ones own premade. I just want some casual pvp every now and then to climb the ladder slowly, is that too much to ask?
Anybody know if you can ignore/mute on the forums, btw?
And what you do results in fewer allies hitting 60, which prolongs your own problem.
You are your own problem. Many people on horde who aren't dumb like yourself know that it's best to leave allies be on their own and let them level. The more allies that hit 60 the faster queues we get and the better world PvP we will get in the long run.
Running around ganking people might give us a bit honor, but then we are not just being indifferent about the problem -> we would actively help to increase the problem.
If anyone should have an interest in many allies hitting level 60, it should be the horde.
getting a bit shitty honor now is not worth having a shitty overall pvp experience for the rest the time on thus server.
/thread. I played Ultima Online (where you actually
lost all of your loot when you died) for many years, and two feenix servers for a little over two years, and I never targeted brand new characters or lowbies. Ever. There's no challenge in easily dispatching an opponent that can't hit you. Anyone that disagrees doesn't really respect PvP, is seeking insta-win/easy-mode gameplay, and is undeserving of our respect.
The best way to deal with this? Leave the area, or ask for help from higher-level players in chat. Weaklings that camp lowbies don't usually have the resolve to deal with several body runs after being beaten by challenging opponents, and will leave pretty quickly, or ragelog altogether.
Also, lol 19 pages.