A "warning" regarding server population

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Watney » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:35 am

It's been a couple of years since retail was at this stage. But I distinctly remember getting ganked all the time. In our guild we had the running joke that behind every tree in STV a epic geared rogue from <Epic> was hiding ... Ganking was part of the game, sometimes it sucked, sometimes it didn't.

I think we just have to chill out and wait for things to calm down. When the honor system was introduced in retail it was a ganking fest all over the place. People will get bored with ganking and move on.

In the mean time, I can't wait to reach a higher level and gank some of those hordies, WPVP FTW!

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Poony » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:45 am

Watney wrote:It's been a couple of years since retail was at this stage. But I distinctly remember getting ganked all the time. In our guild we had the running joke that behind every tree in STV a epic geared rogue from <Epic> was hiding ... Ganking was part of the game, sometimes it sucked, sometimes it didn't.

I think we just have to chill out and wait for things to calm down. When the honor system was introduced in retail it was a ganking fest all over the place. People will get bored with ganking and move on.

In the mean time, I can't wait to reach a higher level and gank some of those hordies, WPVP FTW!

I played vanilla retail on a US-Icecrown PvE, and yes it was the best wPvP when the honor system was introduced, but anyone that participated flagged for it, and there were litterally 100s of people in SS/TM 24/7, where you could get you honor fix everyday day. What is happening now is far from being what I call "fun". What is happening now is mindless farming of levelers that have no chance of fighting back, what is happening now is simply griefing. Server imbalance in the 50-60 bracket and overpopulation is making things way worst than it should be for an enjoyable gameplay.

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Watney » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:49 am

You hit the nail right on the head. On PvE servers this problem didn't exist, but we are playing on a PvP server, and it is war. It is called World of Warcraft after all.

Playing on a retail PvP server was pretty miserable at times. If you get ganked a couple times just move to another questing area, or run some instances, or retaliate. Invite some high level allies to come and farm some HP, or invite some allies to go form low level hordies, perhaps pulling the gankers away to aid their low level friends.

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Halcyon702 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:26 am

Everybody relax, I just rerolled.
- The Ultimate Warlock -
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by ceen2 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:16 am

Yeah it's going smoothly since I rerolled horde, whats your problem guys ;)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by danker » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:46 pm

Grinded lowbie alliance for 3 hours last night while smearing mayo all over my body, then handed out free bags in razor hill on my mage alt! For the Horde!

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by mack0r » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:26 pm

Is there any way to transfer faction at the moment? I'd be happy to move my char to Alliance if that's an option?

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Bers » Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:50 pm

Ganking is a natural part of the game, picking on low levels is also a great part of pvp, it's truly some kind of tactic. However, when it was implemented, blizzard had in mind a state of big, asscrushing competition, eye for an eye, etc. Meaning - some hordes ganking an ally village in burning steppes, at the same time: some ally fellas ganking some horde flight point. Then both groups getting wiped out and ganked by the defenders coming from various directions, a complete shitload of 60 lvls coming to defend their village.
Obviously, it's not the case on our realm. There are only hordes ganking the ally spots in all villages, sometimes some ally fight back, but most of the time it's 0 fight, just gank. Complete lack of allies ganking horde villages, n/c. This whole situation is abnormal and it's not because some players are getting crushed. It's because alliance is completely under the heel of horde and it makes no sense to play as an ally player.
I totally understand some player's need to compensate their real-life problems by bullying other ppl online - making other person feel like crap naturally makes most of human beings quite excited. However it should be reduced a bit, because it's really a big con. Almost every beginner, that was planning to start playing on the server in alliance will either give up this server or roll to horde to avoid being melted by the heat of horde cocks raping alliance.
I have been heavily gank throuout all the leveling from 25 to 60 and i survived it, im not chewing on any chairs yet and i can still not completely hate this game. However seeing this lack of balance getting worse and worse wyth every day makes me wanna quit playing here - at least until it's dealt with.
To all the ppl, who use phrases 'qq moar, l2p, or cry poor alliance' should try drawing a perfect circle while constantly getting kicked on the balls. When you get a 'quite good circle', let me know - i'll give you my regards.
Anyways, the point is - either devs do something about it, e.g. provide free horde->ally transfers or turn pvp off in certain hours on 1 particular day a week (even this would be enough) or do something else... or it will be getting more and more riduculous and at some point horde will be sitting in all capitals and there will be 4:1 ratio.
I got bored already, so gl & hf. Sorry for a long post, here's and undead potato:


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