Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

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Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by Durandal » Fri May 01, 2015 2:19 pm

ITT: more alliance shitters who think the problem is one sided

Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by maos » Fri May 01, 2015 3:22 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:Or... the Horde could stop ganking people. Crazy idea, I know.

You have no idea how much alliance ganks. Stop thinking it's horde only.

I'll stop ganking when alliance stops ganking people doing escorts, so never I guess.
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Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by snawfu » Fri May 01, 2015 3:33 pm

oh noes D:
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Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by Raahl » Fri May 01, 2015 3:40 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:Or... the Horde could stop ganking people. Crazy idea, I know.

As much as I don't approve of really damn annoying corpse camping (i.e. hours on end) or constant killing of NPCs (again, for hours on end...) it is part of this game. The developers have made it clear they want it to be a PVP server representing the original game as closely as possible. This is all part of that.

NOW: I know, that doesn't mean it isn't annoying as shit - it probably sucks giant donkey balls. But, in theory, the Alliance has tools at their disposal to fight back against the Horde. It might not be easy, it might be time consuming, but, there are ways you could level. And there isn't anything stopping the 60's from grouping up to help the lower level characters.
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Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 01, 2015 3:47 pm

It does make me wonder why the Alliance 60's don't come and shoo the Horde away. I think there is more pride in the Horde than the Alliance....
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Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by Durandal » Fri May 01, 2015 3:48 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:It does make me wonder why the Alliance 60's don't come and shoo the Horde away. I think there is more pride in the Horde than the Alliance....

because alliance spends more time crying on here than actually playing :^)


Re: Suggestion To Fix Horde Ganking

by Raahl » Fri May 01, 2015 3:52 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:It does make me wonder why the Alliance 60's don't come and shoo the Horde away. I think there is more pride in the Horde than the Alliance....

Agreed, I have suggested it many times and nobody ever says anything about it. While there are more Horde 60's than Alliance (from statistics I see floating around), there are still hundreds of level 60 Alliance players.

It is part of the dynamic of this game at this point in time. It was part of Vanilla on retail too. They pretty much killed off World PVP like this with the Battlegrounds and other advancements, but it was something I sort of missed too. Again, I am not the type that wants to corpse camp someone for 5 hours... that is lame. But, the battles between faction were pretty awesome sometimes. And I am probably thinking even before honor points too, when there was literally no reward other than bragging rights.
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