Tanaris leveling.

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Tanaris leveling.

by Albuteral » Fri May 01, 2015 9:14 pm

Should I even bother going to Tanaris as alliance? The griefing on the server is already out of hand and I keep hearing horde has Tanaris on lock-down. If that's the case, I'm probably gonna call it quits. Took me 10 days to level to 42 because of the griefing. Not really sure I can handle another X amount of days/hours doing corpse runs.

Re: Tanaris leveling.

by Moggy » Fri May 01, 2015 10:05 pm

Tanaris is more or less 50/50 in regards to faction dominance. Lots of actual world PvP in that zone. As long as you steer clear of "Lost N*gger Cove" you should be fine, because thats basically the only place i've been ganked.

Re: Tanaris leveling.

by Mryul » Sat May 02, 2015 12:24 am

Just finished up there on one of my characters. Didn't seem like a problem at all. People don't PvP at all.
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Re: Tanaris leveling.

by saintfire » Sat May 02, 2015 12:30 am

well i got gang raped at the cove... called 911 but they don't prosecute over the internet rape :(

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