Athena wrote:- Are you currently occupied, such as work or studies?
- Have you completed a higher education, for instance a master's thesis or a doctorate?
- Are you currently in a relationship?
- Do you have more than 10 friends who you know for sure would let you stay at their place for a month or two if you found yourself homeless?
- Do you have other interests apart from WoW? If yes, do you spend more time on them or on WoW?
- Are you making an impact in other people's life? For instance by volunteer working on a weekly basis.
- Would you consider yourself having a good general knowledge?
- Do you struggle with overweight?
- What do you think your life would look like if you spent no more than 2 hours each week sitting in front of a computer?
There is no hidden agenda to this poll. I asked similar questions back in 2005 when I was playing on retail, and just found out I saved the results on an external harddrive. I'm mostly interested in the demographics of people playing WoW, and nowadays also how the private server scene differ from retail WoW.
Hope you want to share something about yourself, feel free to answer just some of the questions if you find some uncomfortable
1) I do, working as Liutenant-Commander in the Stormwind guard.
2) Artisan Engineer.
3) Yes, but she lives in Southshore, it's really far from home.
4) Of course
5) Sometimes i go fishing.
6) Of course, i protect the life of every one daily.
7) Yes, I spent a lot of time with Brann Bronzebeard
8) Nahhh, i always go walking everywhere, im ok.
9) WHut??