by Mdmadam » Mon May 04, 2015 5:00 pm
I think because this server is free to play there should be slightly different rules to the way multiple accounts are handled. No one has to pay an extra fee like on retail if they want a second account in order to play the opposing faction (applies retail before they allowed both factions), so the incentive to make another account is stronger here.
I've seen people camp their low-level horde toon in Grom'gol and have their high-level alliance toon running around outside the base and just keep tabs on who leaves the town and ganks them. They made it stupidly obvious that it was them because the name different was just the first letter.
Point is if you're willing to shell out extra money then I have no problem with multiple account players behaving like this but this is a free game and it makes it too easy for anyone that wants to do it. My concern only applies to using your second account as a Scout. Using them for banking, crafting and PVE is fine by me.