50 slot ventrilo server for active raiding guild

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50 slot ventrilo server for active raiding guild

by Cody121 » Tue May 05, 2015 6:21 pm

Greetings Nostalrius. I currently have a 50 slot ventrilo server I am willing to "rent out for gold" or possibly even just let a guild use it for free.

This will not be given to a random guild, I would like to give it to an active guild about to start raiding or just an active guild in general (40+ online players) to use that are short on cash but would still like to have a ventrilo server.

You will get Admin rights, but not full admin control. You will be able to create/delete channels, move players, ban players and set MOTD and things like that.

I have been in possession of this server for over 2 years now and I do not use it. I purchased a 5 year subscription a while ago for when i was leading a guild on feenix TBC, since then the guild has disbanded and the server has been empty for ages.

I will create a header for your guild for the server.

Please PM me with some serious info about your guild and the members and what you plan on using the server for.

It may be free, to the right guild.

Re: 50 slot ventrilo server for active raiding guild

by SnowFlakes » Tue May 05, 2015 8:36 pm

What's with all of the free Voice IP servers lately? Is this the new Nigerian prince scam?
oh, ok.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: 50 slot ventrilo server for active raiding guild

by Cody121 » Tue May 05, 2015 9:13 pm

SnowFlakes wrote:What's with all of the free Voice IP servers lately? Is this the new Nigerian prince scam?

Why let something that is not being used go to waste? Why not help the community you are apart of grow and be stronger?

Just looking to have it go to good use rather than sitting here not being used by any one. :)

Re: 50 slot ventrilo server for active raiding guild

by Lobreeze » Wed May 06, 2015 9:25 pm

SnowFlakes wrote:What's with all of the free Voice IP servers lately? Is this the new Nigerian prince scam?

Farming IP Addresses.

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