Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

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Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by Korhiana » Wed May 06, 2015 6:56 pm

Such a nice drama :lol:

Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by Robotron » Wed May 06, 2015 7:00 pm

Jamesisonfire21 wrote:Actually it's very different, how often does a fury dps have to offtank in raids? Quite a lot.

How hard is it to find tanks for groups? Very, if a fury dps has to tank he has the right to roll on dps gear.

Don't defend someone who could have clearly specced resto and healed BRD for the mace himself, but chose not to and lost the item.

Tanks who need on rogue loot over a rogue are the cancer of this server. Want rogue loot? Roll offspec if no rogue needs or come to the instance as fury.
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Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by thefatswede » Wed May 06, 2015 8:39 pm

Robotron wrote:
Jamesisonfire21 wrote:Actually it's very different, how often does a fury dps have to offtank in raids? Quite a lot.

How hard is it to find tanks for groups? Very, if a fury dps has to tank he has the right to roll on dps gear.

Don't defend someone who could have clearly specced resto and healed BRD for the mace himself, but chose not to and lost the item.

Tanks who need on rogue loot over a rogue are the cancer of this server. Want rogue loot? Roll offspec if no rogue needs or come to the instance as fury.

Rogues are the cancer of the server, not warriors forced to tank.

Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by riq and snog » Wed May 06, 2015 9:17 pm

I hate gnomes n cows no matter class:-)
riq and snog
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Stone Guard

Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by Miv » Wed May 06, 2015 10:05 pm

Pulsar wrote:No, its not.

If the hammer was reserved, that obviously means that this guy is respecing resto, and needs the gear. The healer willingly came to the group, and then lel took it, lel.

Classic ninja there.

The screenshots show no proof of this though.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by Robotron » Thu May 07, 2015 12:19 am

thefatswede wrote:
Robotron wrote:
Jamesisonfire21 wrote:Actually it's very different, how often does a fury dps have to offtank in raids? Quite a lot.

How hard is it to find tanks for groups? Very, if a fury dps has to tank he has the right to roll on dps gear.

Don't defend someone who could have clearly specced resto and healed BRD for the mace himself, but chose not to and lost the item.

Tanks who need on rogue loot over a rogue are the cancer of this server. Want rogue loot? Roll offspec if no rogue needs or come to the instance as fury.

Rogues are the cancer of the server, not warriors forced to tank.

Warriors are the tank class of Vanilla; druid tanks are very uncommon in a raid setting, and paladins can't tank. If you want to melee DPS, roll a rogue. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Until a warrior is full BWL geared, they're a shitty rogue, and when they are BWL geared, they are more DPS than rogues, but lack threat drops outside of Soul Stone or cattle res.
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Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by Badtank » Thu May 07, 2015 5:27 am

Robotron wrote:
Jamesisonfire21 wrote:Actually it's very different, how often does a fury dps have to offtank in raids? Quite a lot.

How hard is it to find tanks for groups? Very, if a fury dps has to tank he has the right to roll on dps gear.

Don't defend someone who could have clearly specced resto and healed BRD for the mace himself, but chose not to and lost the item.

Tanks who need on rogue loot over a rogue are the cancer of this server. Want rogue loot? Roll offspec if no rogue needs or come to the instance as fury.

Between this and the comments on fury warriors, I'm seriously concerned about your mental health, we are all here if you need to talk. This is why rouges can't find groups btw, they get upset when the tank rolls on "Their" loot.
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Re: Ninja looter, screenshot as proof

by Molten » Thu May 07, 2015 8:08 am

And they should be. If UBRS main tank decides to roll on Dal´rends, truestrike etc I would be pissed if I were a rogue. If he however is a fury warrior just joining to OT the instance because finding a second tank can be hard he is in his full right to need on any dps gear. So basically if an fury OT joins UBRS to help out, he can of course roll on dps gear.


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