Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

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Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by TaurenRogue » Thu May 07, 2015 5:49 pm

DarkPhenomenon wrote:TF alone is worth farming MC for, it's an insane weapon that will last for all of Vanilla.

The bindings cant drop atm...
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Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by Raahl » Thu May 07, 2015 5:54 pm

kenic wrote:To be completely honest nobody has any idea what the fuck is going on. When you try to ask Daemon and Viper whats going on all that they will say is "the timeline wasn't definite and was more of an outline". I'm pretty sure at this point they are just releasing what they feel like and saying fuck the blizzard patch order. I don't mind them taking their time with BWL to make sure everything is working properly, but for fucks sake release the updated loot patch. I can guarantee that if people need to do MC for another month for basically no reason, they will start quitting.

Not to say your opinion isn't valid, but you should probably take a step back. This is a free server ran by a team of developers that are doing their best to keep things going. That said, to insult them and demand they meet your needs is a pretty dick move. Of course, we hope things keep moving and we get all the cool goodies they have planned. But, that is all it is - it is a plan. They haven't promised anything from the beginning (that I have seen at least). We know that they are working on updates, but I am sure that resources are limited and shit will happen when it happens. If you need something more concrete, you probably need to move on - or just roll with the punches here.

TLDR: Soon™ or QQ
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Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by kenic » Thu May 07, 2015 5:58 pm

DarkPhenomenon wrote:TF alone is worth farming MC for, it's an insane weapon that will last for all of Vanilla.

At this point I'm wondering if the bindings are even on the loot tables same with eye of sulfuras.. I'm aware that they are in the game, for they can be linked from atlasloot, but the amount of MC's that have been run since the talisman dropped should have given atleast one binding on the server by now imo. I don't think they ever added them.

Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by kenic » Thu May 07, 2015 6:14 pm

Don't post just insults.
Last edited by Pottu on Thu May 07, 2015 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: insults

Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by Ganjo » Thu May 07, 2015 6:20 pm

This is getting fucking stupid. Do you people realize that you will be 10/10 MC and will HAVE TO COME BACK and gear your players with gear that drops in the update. Why don't they tell us anything about when its coming out? I though they already had everything finished?? They have nothing finished and have been lying this whole time. We are going to have to go through this shit when aq40 is going to be release as well? Do you people realize how much content they will have to patch and you expect them to do it correctly? Why would you remake a broken game? Blizz fucked up the itemization BECAUSE they though they were going to have much more time to fix the game and not sellout in the first month. You release a game that is broken instead of fixing the bugs that had been fixed in later patches, you make us use shit loot that also gets fixed in a later patch, you call all this shit features when they are just bugs you think would be good to experience again.

Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by kenic » Thu May 07, 2015 6:30 pm

Raahl wrote:
kenic wrote:To be completely honest nobody has any idea what the fuck is going on. When you try to ask Daemon and Viper whats going on all that they will say is "the timeline wasn't definite and was more of an outline". I'm pretty sure at this point they are just releasing what they feel like and saying fuck the blizzard patch order. I don't mind them taking their time with BWL to make sure everything is working properly, but for fucks sake release the updated loot patch. I can guarantee that if people need to do MC for another month for basically no reason, they will start quitting.

Not to say your opinion isn't valid, but you should probably take a step back. This is a free server ran by a team of developers that are doing their best to keep things going. That said, to insult them and demand they meet your needs is a pretty dick move. Of course, we hope things keep moving and we get all the cool goodies they have planned. But, that is all it is - it is a plan. They haven't promised anything from the beginning (that I have seen at least). We know that they are working on updates, but I am sure that resources are limited and shit will happen when it happens. If you need something more concrete, you probably need to move on - or just roll with the punches here.

TLDR: Soon™ or QQ

Take a step back, lol. You're powerful. My lights actually flickered reading that.

Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by Nain » Thu May 07, 2015 7:16 pm

DarkPhenomenon wrote:TF alone is worth farming MC for, it's an insane weapon that will last for all of Vanilla.

The part of the timeline that said: "Until a player get the [Talisman of Binding Shard], [Bindings of the Windseeker] won't be available on Garr and Geddon." was ignored.
† Nain now rests in the arms of our lord. He died a sickly infant at the age of 3 months and 24 days. †
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Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by mynamewastaken » Thu May 07, 2015 7:48 pm

DarkPhenomenon wrote:TF alone is worth farming MC for, it's an insane weapon that will last for all of Vanilla.
i dont want to ruin your dreams but faerlina sword has much more tps on bosses than tf
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by nervous » Thu May 07, 2015 8:30 pm

Ganjo wrote:This is getting fucking stupid. Do you people realize that you will be 10/10 MC and will HAVE TO COME BACK and gear your players with gear that drops in the update. Why don't they tell us anything about when its coming out? I though they already had everything finished?? They have nothing finished and have been lying this whole time. We are going to have to go through this shit when aq40 is going to be release as well? Do you people realize how much content they will have to patch and you expect them to do it correctly? Why would you remake a broken game? Blizz fucked up the itemization BECAUSE they though they were going to have much more time to fix the game and not sellout in the first month. You release a game that is broken instead of fixing the bugs that had been fixed in later patches, you make us use shit loot that also gets fixed in a later patch, you call all this shit features when they are just bugs you think would be good to experience again.


Re: Timeline : AV, DM and BWL

by grimnarr » Thu May 07, 2015 11:49 pm

Ganjo wrote:This is getting fucking stupid. Do you people realize that you will be 10/10 MC and will HAVE TO COME BACK and gear your players with gear that drops in the update. Why don't they tell us anything about when its coming out? I though they already had everything finished?? They have nothing finished and have been lying this whole time. We are going to have to go through this shit when aq40 is going to be release as well? Do you people realize how much content they will have to patch and you expect them to do it correctly? Why would you remake a broken game? Blizz fucked up the itemization BECAUSE they though they were going to have much more time to fix the game and not sellout in the first month. You release a game that is broken instead of fixing the bugs that had been fixed in later patches, you make us use shit loot that also gets fixed in a later patch, you call all this shit features when they are just bugs you think would be good to experience again.

You should cancel your subscription that'll show them.


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