Wagnard wrote:The population is huge, and it's not blizzlike to punish people for afking BGs. I advise you GMs to not waste your time with unnecessary endeavours. Even if I hate AFKers, I don't like seeing people get banned, I don't like seeing you waste your resources, and I don't like stressing if I feel like going AFK for a game or two either, and don't want to miss out on the honor.
This is actually incorrect.
As far back as classic AV, players have received warnings from GMs not just for AFKing, but even for "defending" shrubs in the middle of nowhere while at their keyboard. Blizzard's policy has always been to warn or ban individuals who act in a way that's contrary to the ''spirit of the battleground.''
Their actual enforcement of that policy was very lackluster, particularly after they introduced the self-reporting AFK/Botting mechanisms in later expansions. In fact, I doubt those anyone except those who played in retail vanilla would even remember this kind of thing.
Furthermore, even if it wasn't Blizzard's policy, that wouldn't be reason in and of itself for Nost to pursue that course of action.. but that's a moot point, because it was.